Savo pranešime Steve Balmer panaudojo terminą „.NET“ net 62 kartus. Gal ir ne veltui jis buvo tiek užsidegęs šia idėja, nes dabar, po 16 metų, .NET vis dar yra vienas populiariausių programuotojų naudojamų framework’ų.
„What is .NET?“ Balmer said. „.NET represents a set, an environment, a programming infrastructure that supports the next generation of the Internet as a platform. … It is also, though, and Bill [Gates] made the analogy, I think, with Windows here pretty well for its day, .NET is also a user environment, a set of fundamental user services that live on the client, in the server, in the cloud, that are consistent with and build off that programming model. So, it’s both a user experience and a set of developer experiences, that’s the conceptual description of what is .NET.“ – sakė S. Balmer.
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